Credential Events & Timeline
FALL 2024
2024 Application Timeline
Opens September 16 at 8am EST
Closes November 1 at 11:59pm EST
Credential Application Office Hours
Monthly Credentialed Leader Gatherings
Upcoming Credential Events
All times are Eastern Standard Time (EST).
*To access our office hour zoom link and other additional details, click on the green titled events below.
Credential Annual Cycle
Credential Readiness (June - Aug)
Review the eligibility standards & Credential criteria to determine if now is the right time to apply.
2. Credential Application (Sep - Oct)
All schools who believe they are eligible are encouraged to engage with their EL Education Coach and to submit an application. Schools should review the criteria for applying and earning the Credential as a way to drive strategic planning into the future.
3. Credential Cohort (Nov - May)
Schools that meet eligibility criteria and are invited to join the 2023 Cohort will work with EL Education Coaches, Partnership Directors, and the Credentialing Team to prepare for authentic ways to demonstrate impact in the Three Dimensions of Student Achievement.
First-time applicants will host a two-day Credential Site Visit. Renewing and Pathway schools will present to an in-person and virtual panel.
4. Decisions & Continuous Improvement (June - )
After formal review and consideration of demonstrated evidence in the Three Dimensions of Student Achievement, the EL Education Review Committee will make decisions and communicate them to schools.
Schools may emerge from this process earning the Credential or a Pathway Credential in one or two Dimensions. It is also possible that a school emerges not yet ready to earn a Credential. In any case, EL Education will provide detailed feedback and ongoing support for continuous improvement work.