Credential Cohort: Renewal Presentations
After applying in the fall, schools that meet the Credential Criteria are invited to join the Credential Cohort.
Schools seeking to renew their Credential will host a three-hour Renewal Presentation to share their story of impact in Three Dimensions
What do I need to know about the Renewal Presentation?
The purpose of the Credential Presentation is to gain an authentic understanding of the school’s journey as a credentialed school, current context, and next steps in continuous improvement.
Allow 3 hours for your renewal presentation, including time set aside for participant discussion & focus groups
EL Education will collaboratively schedule the presentations with the school between January and May 2024
EL Education will provide suggested guidance in order to focus on implementation and impact of the EL model
EL Education will provide written affirming and constructive feedback within three weeks of the presentation
Your written application can serve as an outline for your renewal presentation
Renew an Existing Credential
What is the Timeline for Renewal?
Who should Apply to Renew?
All schools that have been Credentialed for three years or more are eligible to apply to renew their Credential. The Credential expires after five years. Schools that earned their last Credential in 2020 or earlier should plan to apply this cycle.
If you Credential expires in 2025 or earlier, you must be in communication with the Credential team about your school’s anticipated renewal timeline.